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Guadalupe Frias was an early participant of the Chicano Movement and participated in the Chicano Student Movement. The purpose of this interview was to better understand mestizaje ideology and its popularity during the height of the Chicano Movement. Frias discusses her participation within the Chicano Movement and her understanding of the concept of mestizaje.
Guadalupe Olguin was an early participant of the Chicano Movement and an early member of El Teatro Campesino and the Brown Berets. The purpose of this interview was to better understand mestizaje ideology and its popularity during the height of the Chicano Movement. Olguin discusses her participation within the Chicano Movement and her understanding of the concept of mestizaje.
Lupe Valdez was an early participant of the Chicano Movement and El Teatro Campesino, of which she is still associated. The purpose of this interview was to better understand mestizaje ideology and its popularity during the height of the Chicano Movement. Valdez discusses her participation within the Chicano Movement and her understanding of the concept of mestizaje.