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Frank Litterst entered Texas A&M in the fall of 1939, a proud member of the Class of '43 (the Class that won the War.). He was a Ross Volunteer and the Commander of Battery “A” Coast Artillery. During World War II, Frank's class left A&M en masse prior to graduation, and Frank was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He served in New Guinea as an artillery officer from 1943 to 1945.
Fred Holland, U.S. Navy, WW II (Interviewed Aug.2, 2007) “You call, we haul” was the motto of boat pool 15, a Navy unit during World War II where Fred Holland of Bryan was first a Coxswain and then a motor mechanic. His job in the Pacific was to transport Marines onto the beaches on LCMs. LCM were best known as the landing craft that delivered troops to the beaches of France on D-Day, but they were also critical in the Pacific Campaign.
Albert Novak, Army/Navy/Air Force, WW II (Interviewed July 26, 2007) Albert Novak served his country in three services, the Army, Navy and Air Force. As a machinist aboard the USS Wasp for two years during World War II, Albert Novak recalls that day in March of 1945, when a 500-pound bomb hit the WASP. He was one of 150 injured, fortunately not one of the 100 who died that day. He was born and raised in Bryan, Texas. (Note: Albert Novak was in the advanced stages of Pancreatic cancer when we recorded the interview and passed away less that 2 months later)
Dr. Philip Alexander, Computer Artist (Interviewed July 19, 2007) College Station Physician Dr. Philip Alexander has a unique skill beyond health care. He’s an artist. Not with a palette and brush, but with a computer. And uses this unique talent to express his passion for the military and for veterans through his amazing art. This TV Show will exhibit many of his works.
Dr. Jim Cooper, U.S. Navy, WW II (Interviewed March 1, 2005) Dr. Jim Cooper practiced medicine in the Brazos Valley for nearly 60 years and was a Navy doctor who served from ship to ship during both World War II and Korea. He is quick to say that he did not serve in combat during either year but was instrumental in saving the lives of those who did.
Lawrence DeZavala, U.S. Air Force, WW II (Interviewed June 21, 2007) The path that Lawrence DeZavala took from his birthplace in Louisiana to his vineyards near New Baden, Tx included three years of service as a radio operator/gunner, flying some 21 combat missions with the Air Force’s 379th Bomber Group. Their mission aboard their B-24 was to take out rail yards and bridges in Austria and other positions near the war’s in. He counts himself lucky to have returned uninjured and counts himself even more fortunate to have lived the life he has. He and his wife Rachel own and operate DeZavala Vineyard where some of the tastiest blackberries, blueberries and raspberries can be picked.
Cal Boykin, U.S. Army, World War II (A&M Class of ‘46) (Interviewed June 7, 2007) Cal Boykin was a proud member of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion in World War II’s European Theater. He can best tell its story because he was an historian of his unit, as well as a gunner, aboard his M8 Armoured car, on recon duty mostly, patrolling the French roads behind Normandy, through Belgium and Holland and on to Germany. Cal Boykin’s story could not be told in just one Veterans of the Valley episode -- it took two.
Cal Boykin, U.S. Army, World War II (A&M Class of ‘46) (Interviewed June 7, 2007) Cal Boykin was a proud member of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion in World War II’s European Theater. He can best tell its story because he was an historian of his unit, as well as a gunner, aboard his M8 Armoured car, on recon duty mostly, patrolling the French roads behind Normandy, through Belgium and Holland and on to Germany. Cal Boykin’s story could not be told in just one Veterans of the Valley episode -- it took two.
John Blasienz, U.S. Navy Seabees, WW II (A&M Class of ‘47) (Interviewed May 31, 2007) It's a simple fact that World War II could not have been fought, much less won, without Naval construction Battalion, better known as Seabees. Today you will meet John Blasienz of Bryan, but I dare say that many of you already know him. After all, he has lived all but 10 of his years in Bryan. He was born in Bryan, a proud member of the Stephen F Austin high school class of 1942 and Aggie class of 1947 and a proud sailor with the 105th Seabees serving the Pacific Campaign in Australia, New Guinea and the Leyte Gulf.
Gene Barber, U.S. Navy, WW II (Interviewed May 9, 2007) Gene Barber served the people of Williamson County as its sheriff for seven years, sold cars and lumber and delivered the mail in the years before that. But that all came after his 33 year months at sea, serving aboard the carrier USS Corregidor during four major battles of World War II’s Pacific Campaign. Plus, you will not find a bigger Bob Wills fan. They were both born in Kosse, Texas.
Gen. John Miller, U.S. Marines, WW II, Korea/Vietnam (A&M Class of ‘46) (Interviewed April 5, 2007) When Lt. Gen. John H. Miller and his wife Virginia moved to College Station, by his count, it was their 37th move of their married life. Such is the life of this career Marine who served his country in 3 wars -- World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He call his service not all that distinguished, but it was indeed distinguished enough to earn 3 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Star Medals, 2 Legion of merits and the Navy Distinguished Service Medal. And that’s just to name a few.
Don Nicholas, Air Force, Korea/Vietnam (A&M Class of '48) (Interviewed April 26, 2007) Don Nicholas was a Texas A&M quarterback from 1947 to 1949, not a star player, but he certainly made his mark in service for his country in Korea and Vietnam. During the Korean War he flew 20 B-29 missions from his base in Okinawa and later he served three tours in Vietnam where he flew 69 B-52 missions. After he retired he and an Air Force buddy spent 15 years as one of the top senior tennis doubles teams in Texas.
Ty Newton, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (Interviewed March 28, 2007) Ty Newton of College Station could have pursued a pro sports career if he hadn’t loved flying more than he loved baseball. He was pretty good at both but flying was in his blood. He was an instructor pilot both before and after his 4 1/2 years of service in Viet Nam, and even pulled duty as then Congressman Lyndon Johnson’s personal pilot in the late 50’s. Ty Newton flew C-130s during Viet Nam... at the time classified missions that included everything from re-supplying the Laotian Army to dropping flares for U.S. Fighters to better see their targets. It was a mission he could not talk about then, but can now.
Jules Jacquin, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed Feb. 22, 2007) Jules Jacquin of College Station is one of many proud Aggies whose education was interrupted by World War II. But there was plenty to learn in the Army, as a member of Company K of the 102nd Infantry Division that swept through France, Belgium and Holland on its way to Germany near war’s end.
Al Rampmeier, U.S. Army, Vietnam (Interviewed Feb. 8, 2007) Al Rampmeier served under Gen. Hal Moore. Moore was the officer depicted in the film “We Were Soldiers”, and wrote the book it was based on. His is a remarkable story of service as a member of the military police.
Bob Spoede, U.S. Army, Vietnam (A&M Class of 1948) (Interviewed February 2, 2007) Bob Spoede is an author and a former A&M professor, and a Vietnam veteran. He was older than most, 38, when he first arrived in country. He served 18 months in the Marines and also served four years in Germany. He was inspired to serve after his brother died in a plane crash while serving as a Marine in 1943.
Durwood Lewis, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (A&M Class of ‘60) (Interviewed Jan. 24, 2007) Maj. Durwood Lewis was a F-4 back-seater who saw a great deal in his 12-month assignment in Vietnam. It was one year out of more than 20 years of service in the U.S. Air Force.
Arnold Foltermann, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed Nov. 15, 2006) Arnold Foltermann and his wife Minnie were married some 60 years and worked for the phone company after he served in Gen. Patton’s 3rd Army during World War II. He saw action at the Battle of the Bulge in Europe. Just a “doughboy”, fighting for his country.
Curtis Burns, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (A&M Class of ‘52) (Interviewed Nov. 10, 2006) Major Curt Burns was an airman with plenty of passion and little fear. He grew up in a home about where G. Rollie White Coliseum once stood. He piloted five different jet fighters during his service in Europe and Vietnam. He spent 20 years as an Air Force pilot and logged more than 5,000 hours in the air. In retirement, he was the coach of A&M’s National Champion Pistol team.
Dr. Scott Reynolds, Army/Navy, Korea/Viet Nam (A&M Class of 1958) (Interviewed October 25, 2006) He is known as “Dr. Scotty” in books he has written about animal care. Dr. Scott Reynolds served in the Navy and then 14 years in the Army where he was an Army Veterinarian. He served in Guam and Korea. He has worked as an actor and done some 20 television commercials.