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Rich Thomas, U.S. Navy, Korea (Interviewed April 12,2006) Rich Thomas of College Station will talk about the Destroyer USS Leonard F. Mason as if it's a family member and why not? It was his home for four years during his service as a Navy sailor during the Korean War. He found the fast track to combat, just three months after joining the Navy at age 17, the Mason was on the receiving end of a Korean offensive, of the Eastern shore of the country at Wonton Harbor. It was a quick introduction to war. He knows he was luckier than many others to have survived the conflict.
Claude Mounce, U.S. Navy, Cuban Missile Crisis (Interviewed April 5, 2006) October 18 to the 29th of 1962 was the Cuban missile crisis. Claude Mounce saw it up close and personal, but he'll tell you that at the time he had no idea it was such a big deal. As a pilot off a carrier that was part of the blockade, it was his job to fly the photographer to where the Russian ships were approaching. Photos were taken and sent back to Washington, where Pres. John Kennedy and his military advisers were convinced that the Soviets were planning to stockpile warhead missiles to bases in Cuba. It became one of the most critical political standoffs in our history.
Pat Patterson, U.S. Marines, Desert Storm (Interviewed March 29, 2006) Pat Patterson served as a Marine during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, but this show is about his work as a counselor for the Texas Veterans Commission. It’s his job to make veterans aware of the benefit available to them. He served 20 years in the Marine Corp. He was a warrant officer during Desert Storm. He crossed the border the day before the ground war started, giving support to the artillery, looking for gun positions.
Ray Valigura, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed March 8,2006) As a machine gunner with the 86th Blackhawk division in Europe, Ray Valigura of Bryan bravely fought in World War II. After the end of the war he saw the horror of World War II up close. While his memories of the war include the camaraderie of the 86th, they just as sharply focused on the remains of the concentration camps and POW camp's his unit helped liberate. He'll tell you that as a youth he didn't much think about it but today his recollections flood back. Assigned to Gen. Patton's third Army in his march through Europe, the 86th Blackhawks was the first unit that returned home after the war in tact. Ray is a retired Texas A&M worker of nearly 30 years. He and his wife Jean lived in Bryan.
Bill Kling, Army, WW II, A&M Class of 1949 (Interviewed Feb. 22, 2006) Bill “BJ” Kling started Kling Engineering in 1975 but by then his own surveying skills had been tapped in most every arena you can imagine, including in World War II as an infantry soldier with the 102nd. His unit sailed overseas late in the European campaign in 1944, in time for the Battle of the Bulge and in time to witness the surrender of thousands of German troops -- many soldiers who were interrogated by Bill Kling. After the war, Bill Kling entered Texas A&M as a 30-year-old freshman. After the war he met Florace and they were married for some 60 years.
Jack Upham, U.S. Army, WW II/Korea (Interviewed Feb. 15, 2006) Ask Jack Upham about his nearly 15 years of military service and he will be the first to tell you that his generation simply did what needed to be done, what needed to be done by all men and women who love their country. Nonetheless, his service in World War II and then in Korea were significant slices of his life. He was a ground soldier with the 27th Infantry Regiment in Luzon that spent a record 162 consecutive days in combat without relief. Then in Korea he realized his dream to be a pilot. It was a military career well served by Jack Upham of College Station.
Holly Rees, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed Feb.8, 2006) Holly Rees caught the tail end of World War II, but Purple Hearts were being earned even then. It was after the Allied victory in Europe had been won but well before the battle in the Pacific was finished. June 21, 1945 -- that’s when Sergeant Holly Rees, Company 1 of the 184th Infantry, was wounded in the foot during the brutal battle at Okinawa. He had been on the ground just 32 days when he had to put down his rifle. But it was 32 days he’ll never forget.
Tom Browning, Army Military Police, WW II Interviewed Feb.1, 2006 As important as any military detail of World War II was the Military Police -- providing personal protection for those conducting the war, and from time to time dealing with those soldiers whose behavior might undermine the unity of a mission. Sergeant Tom Browning of Bryan was a member of one of the very first military police battalions of the US Army, as a member of the 503rd and 504th MPs, he was quickly promoted from PFC to Corporal, then to Sergeant then First Sergeant and as a result of his duty, was in December 1944, awarded the Bronze Star Medal for what his Captain called meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States and France. Later, as a member of the 512th military police, Sergeant Browning was attached to General George Patton's 3rd Army.
Dr. Henry Dethloff, Author “Texas Aggies Go To War” Interviewed Jan. 4, 2006) It's no secret that Texas A&M's contribution to our country's war efforts have gone above and beyond those of most other universities. We have had the honor of featuring many former students on Veterans of the Valley. Well now they have a book dedicated to their service “Texas Aggies Go To War” authored by one of the foremost historians of Texas A&M, Henry Dethloff Professor Emeritus of History at Texas A&M, along with former student John A. Adams. Texas A&M sent more than 20,000 to serve in World War II alone, more than 14,000 as commissioned officers. It's an extraordinary account of Aggie military service.
Dr. Henry Dethloff, Author “Texas Aggies Go To War” Interviewed Jan. 4, 2006) It's no secret that Texas A&M's contribution to our country's war efforts have gone above and beyond those of most other universities. We have had the honor of featuring many former students on Veterans of the Valley. Well now they have a book dedicated to their service “Texas Aggies Go To War” authored by one of the foremost historians of Texas A&M, Henry Dethloff Professor Emeritus of History at Texas A&M, along with former student John A. Adams. Texas A&M sent more than 20,000 to serve in World War II alone, more than 14,000 as commissioned officers. It's an extraordinary account of Aggie military service.