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Al Hanson, Army Air Corps, WW II (Interviewed Aug. 31, 2005) It was on Al and Ruby Hanson's backyard porch that Tom Turbiville first started his passion for telling the story of Brazos Valley Veterans. Al Hanson was a radio operator of the 55th troop carrier squadron US Army Air Corps. He lost count of how many air missions he flew in World War II -- his craft delivering supplies to the troops on practically every island of the Pacific Campaign.
Al Rampmeier, U.S. Army, Vietnam (Interviewed Feb. 8, 2007) Al Rampmeier served under Gen. Hal Moore. Moore was the officer depicted in the film “We Were Soldiers”, and wrote the book it was based on. His is a remarkable story of service as a member of the military police.
Albert Novak, Army/Navy/Air Force, WW II (Interviewed July 26, 2007) Albert Novak served his country in three services, the Army, Navy and Air Force. As a machinist aboard the USS Wasp for two years during World War II, Albert Novak recalls that day in March of 1945, when a 500-pound bomb hit the WASP. He was one of 150 injured, fortunately not one of the 100 who died that day. He was born and raised in Bryan, Texas. (Note: Albert Novak was in the advanced stages of Pancreatic cancer when we recorded the interview and passed away less that 2 months later)
Alfred “Whitey” Birdwell, U.S. Army, WW II Interviewed May 27, 2010 Alfred “Whitey” Birdwell was a Sherman tank driver in World War II's European Theater, after D-Day, but during the final push and in the Battle of the Bulge and until victory in Europe. He was overseas just more than a year but probably covered more miles per day served than just about anyone. He vividly recalls when he drove the first American tank over the Rhine River for the 3rd Armoured to spearhead. A Purple Heart recipient, he drove a tank every day except for those 10 days he was laid up because of shrapnel wounds.
Col Alton Meyer, Air Force, Vietnam P.O.W. (A&M Class of ‘60) (Interviewed Sept. 28, 2005) It was six years of life he will never get back but Lt. Col. Al Meyer of rural College Station will certainly never forget that time from the Spring of 1967 to 1973 that he spent as a captive of the North Vietnamese Army -- a P.O.W. Sitting in the back seat of his F-105, he was shot out of the sky. His pilot didn’t survive. His wife Bobbie didn’t know for three years that he was alive at the Hanoi Hilton, as the prison camp was called. It’s an amazing story of physical and mental victory.
Anne Boykin, Project Hold (Interviewed 2008) This is a very interesting program with then Director of College Station’s Project HOLD, Anne Boykin. She brought with her several photos from the Project HOLD collection, those that reflected the military commitment in the Brazos Valley and at Texas A&M. The photos are all described in the TV Show. Anne Boykin has been a great supporter and helper for the development of Veterans of the Valley.
Arnold Foltermann, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed Nov. 15, 2006) Arnold Foltermann and his wife Minnie were married some 60 years and worked for the phone company after he served in Gen. Patton’s 3rd Army during World War II. He saw action at the Battle of the Bulge in Europe. Just a “doughboy”, fighting for his country.
Bill Adams, U.S. Air Force, Korea (Interviewed March 3, 2011) Bill Adams wanted to be in the Air Force in 1950 but really had no designs on being a mechanic. But that where the Air Force needed him so he learned the craft and for the next four years kept B-29s in the air. Not in frigid Korea where the war was going on but among other places in steaming hot Saudi Arabia. Bill Adams is one of those many veterans who served his country not in combat but in still needed jobs that kept America safe
Bill Hamilton, U.S. Army, Vietnam Era Interviewed Dec. 13, 2006 Bill Hamilton is a veteran who did not serve in any overseas combat, but the battle he fought since January 1980 is one that he wins every day. He's a volunteer and an assistant chaplain of the Disabled American Veterans. He sings and writes poems and you'll understand how he turned a personal nightmare into hope and faith. Meet Sergeant Bill Hamilton, Vietnam veteran.
Bill Harper, Operation Ivy, Post WW II (Interviewed Oct. 10, 2010) Bill Harper does not have any real war stories to tell from his two hitches and more than five years in military service, but the one that he does tell is indeed a witness to history. November 1st, 1952, from the deck of the USS Estes near Eniwetok Island in the Marshall Islands, Bill Harper was one of those who watched the result of “Operation Ivy” -- the very first Hydrogen Bomb Explosion. Bill Harper has never discussed his specific duties in regard to Operation Ivy, and he never will. But he can describe in detail the incredible site and effect of the detonation of a bomb some 500 times more powerful than the Atomic Bomb that ended World War II some seven years earlier. And there are other fascinating stories to tell... like how he got to Texas by sailing down the Illinois and the Mighty Mississippi Rivers from Lake Superior to the Gulf of Mexico.
Bill Kling, Army, WW II, A&M Class of 1949 (Interviewed Feb. 22, 2006) Bill “BJ” Kling started Kling Engineering in 1975 but by then his own surveying skills had been tapped in most every arena you can imagine, including in World War II as an infantry soldier with the 102nd. His unit sailed overseas late in the European campaign in 1944, in time for the Battle of the Bulge and in time to witness the surrender of thousands of German troops -- many soldiers who were interrogated by Bill Kling. After the war, Bill Kling entered Texas A&M as a 30-year-old freshman. After the war he met Florace and they were married for some 60 years.
Bill Pope, Army Air Corps, World War II (Interviewed Nov. 29, 2007) Bill Pope was a student at Michigan State when Pearl Harbor was attacked. He enlisted thinking that the war would be over before he got to the fighting. Bill was a Second Lieutenant in the Army Air Corps during World War II serving as a B-24 Bomber pilot stationed in England. He flew 23 missions over Germany. In 1968, he accepted the position of Associate Dean of Agriculture at Texas A&M University.
Bill Stroman, U.S. Marines, Korea (Interviewed May 29, 2008) Bill Stroman packed a lot of living his long life, and a significant part of his journey was his tour of duty as an advisor for a Korean Marines unit during the Korean War. His action came in a four-deuces unit, that's the 4.2 inch mortar launcher. Before and after, Bill Stroman attended three colleges, graduated and spent most of his postwar career as a football coach. He spent 18 years over two different stance at Jourdanton High School near San Antonio and also coached at Humble and Ganado. Bill and Nancy Stroman were named Aggie Parents of the Year in 1980. Bill Stroman was a United States Marine.
Bill Youngkin, U.S. Army, Vietnam (A&M Class of 69) (Interviewed September 7, 2005) Bill Youngkin was a Texas A&M Yell Leader his senior year. He was a U.S. Army Transportation Specialist in Vietnam in 1971 and 1972. Bill Youngkin talks about his service but also his passion for honoring other veterans through his weekly column in the Bryan/College Station Eagle, "Brazos Valley Heroes".
Billy Joe Adams, U.S. Army, WW II (A&M Class of ‘41) (Interviewed June 15, 2005) Retired Lt. Col. Billy Joe Adams was a veteran of the fighting in the European Theater during World War II and of post-conflict Korea. During World War II, he was assigned to the A Battery of the 414th Field Artillery Battalion. He was the Field Operations Officer for the 414th.
Bob Bruner, U.S. Army, Desert Storm (Interviewed Nov. 6, 2008) Four months may not seem like a long time to most of us, but for Bob Bruner of the 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry, US Army, the four months starting on New Year's Day of 1991 was a period in time he'll never forget. Bob Bruner drove a Hum-vee in Operation Desert Storm’s ground war and saw the war up close from start to finish. Yes his was his unit that took the airfield at Safwan, Iraq where the ceasefire was negotiated.
Bob Gallery, U.S. Army, WW II, (Interviewed July 21, 2010) Bob Gallery was just 17 years old in 1944 and didn’t know that he was about to take the fast track from his home in Saginaw, Michigan to a Foxhole on the front lines of the War in Europe. But that’s pretty much exactly what happened when he was drafted into the Army near war’s end. A 38-year resident of Bryan, Bob Gallery’s 99th Infantry saw conflict eyeball-to-eyeball as he puts it, and counts himself fortunate to have come home uninjured.. indeed to have come home at all, as so many who served did not.
Bob Middleton, U.S. Army, Korea (A&M Class of ‘51) (Interviewed Sept. 14, 2005) 2nd Lt. Bob Middleton is proud of his service in what’s sometimes called the “Forgotten War”. He was one of some 1900 Aggie who fought in the Korean War. 63 Aggies lost their lives. Bob took the fast track from A&M to the front lines at Heartbreak Ridge. That's where they did battle, mostly in the pitch dark of night, often in the snow. Bob Middleton left Korea with many memories of survival and with the Army’s Silver Star medal.
Bob Pardo, U. S. Air Force, Vietnam (Interviewed April 27, 2005) Bob Pardo of College Station was an F4 Phantom pilot during the Vietnam war. He obviously has many stories to tell of his service. But the one story that stands above all is the story known as "Pardo's Push". Enough said. You can Google it or listen to him tell the story here. It is an incredible one.
Bob Spoede, U.S. Army, Vietnam (A&M Class of 1948) (Interviewed February 2, 2007) Bob Spoede is an author and a former A&M professor, and a Vietnam veteran. He was older than most, 38, when he first arrived in country. He served 18 months in the Marines and also served four years in Germany. He was inspired to serve after his brother died in a plane crash while serving as a Marine in 1943.
Bob Wilkinson, U.S. Air Force, Korea/Viet Nam (Interviewed Aug. 30, 2006) Colonel Bob Wilkinson caught the end of the Korean War and then three tours of Vietnam, flying both fixed wing and choppers as a United States Marine. But some of his most memorable stories come from the 32 weeks he served as a helicopter pilot for President and Mrs. Dwight Eisenhower, shuttling them mostly from the White House to the retreat named after their grandson, Camp David. His is a fascinating 28 year career of military service. Welcome Bobby Wilkinson.
Brent Mullins, Museum of the American GI, Collector (Interviewed Dec. 7, 2005) Brent Mullins is a collector and his collection of war and military memorabilia is vast. So vast in fact that it now fills a museum in South College Station called the “Museum of the American GI”. In addition to the show with Brent, is a second radio feature on Brent’s generous gift to friend and veteran Ed Eyre, a veteran of the Battle of Iwo Jima. Brent took Ed back to Iwo Jima as a thank you for his service and for the volunteer work Ed did in restoring many of Brent’s vehicles and other war machines.
Brian Parker, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (Interviewed Aug. 23, 2006) As a crew member of the AC-47, Brian Parker says he could not buy a drink anywhere while on active duty in Vietnam. You see AC-47s went about the business of saving lives and it was a pleasure for those survivors to pick up the tab. When ground troops were surrounded by the enemy, it was the AC-47 gunship that came to the rescue, lighting up the area with flares or bullets. Brian Parker was a navigator in Vietnam for 18 months, just part of his 20 years of military service.
C.O. Smith, U.S. Coast Guard, Korea (Interviewed March 5, 2009) C.O. Smith, Texas A&M Class of 1950, is proud of the role that the United States Coast Guard played in World War II. On board the Coast Guard Cutter Bramble, C.O. Smith spent 4 years at sea, almost making it to Europe before mechanical problems sent them to Puerto Rico to dry dock and then through the Panama Canal and to the Pacific and Alaska, where his crew supplied Navy Seabees who were building the Loran Stations.
Cal Boykin, U.S. Army, World War II (A&M Class of ‘46) (Interviewed June 7, 2007) Cal Boykin was a proud member of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion in World War II’s European Theater. He can best tell its story because he was an historian of his unit, as well as a gunner, aboard his M8 Armoured car, on recon duty mostly, patrolling the French roads behind Normandy, through Belgium and Holland and on to Germany. Cal Boykin’s story could not be told in just one Veterans of the Valley episode -- it took two.
Cal Boykin, U.S. Army, World War II (A&M Class of ‘46) (Interviewed June 7, 2007) Cal Boykin was a proud member of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion in World War II’s European Theater. He can best tell its story because he was an historian of his unit, as well as a gunner, aboard his M8 Armoured car, on recon duty mostly, patrolling the French roads behind Normandy, through Belgium and Holland and on to Germany. Cal Boykin’s story could not be told in just one Veterans of the Valley episode -- it took two.
Carl Huss, Army Air Corps, WW II (Interviewed June 4, 2009) Carl Huss joined the Army Air Corp before US involvement in World War II started with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He was just looking to learn a trade, and indeed he did. As a radioman stationed first for nearly 3 years in Alaska, then in the Philippines near war’s end. He became pretty well versed in American- Russian relations during the War and that’s just a part of his fascinating story of service.
Charles Opersteny, Air Force, Korea (Interviewed Dec. 15, 2005) Charles Opersteny is one of the driving forces of the American Legion Post 159 in Bryan Texas. That is his passions in his post military career. He served at the old Bryan Air Force Base during the years of the Korean War.
Charles Smith, U.S. Army, Vietnam (Interviewed July 16, 2009) Charles Smith grew up in Bryan and graduated from E.A. Kemp in 1960. He served 20 years in the U.S. Army and 22 years with the Postal Service. In the Army between 1960 and 1981, He served one tour in Vietnam as a Recon Squad Leader but his duty was cut short by a bout with Malaria. He also served four tours in Germany and one in South Korea.
Chuck Sippial, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (Interviewed March 25, 2010) Chuck Sippial has been a significant part of Texas A&M’s administrative family for some 15 years, as Vice President for Administration and more recently in charge of facilities, where he now works for the A&M System. The story you may not know is that of Colonel Chuck Sippial, United States Air Force officer for 22 years. It was a fascinating career that included a nine-month tour at Pleiku Air Base during the Vietnam War -- also two tours in Europe, first at Madrid, Spain and then later at Ramstein AFB in Germany. He served several stateside tours where his expertise and education as a Civil Engineer paved a path to both his military and civilian careers.
Claude Mounce, U.S. Navy, Cuban Missile Crisis (Interviewed April 5, 2006) October 18 to the 29th of 1962 was the Cuban missile crisis. Claude Mounce saw it up close and personal, but he'll tell you that at the time he had no idea it was such a big deal. As a pilot off a carrier that was part of the blockade, it was his job to fly the photographer to where the Russian ships were approaching. Photos were taken and sent back to Washington, where Pres. John Kennedy and his military advisers were convinced that the Soviets were planning to stockpile warhead missiles to bases in Cuba. It became one of the most critical political standoffs in our history.
Curtis Burns, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (A&M Class of ‘52) (Interviewed Nov. 10, 2006) Major Curt Burns was an airman with plenty of passion and little fear. He grew up in a home about where G. Rollie White Coliseum once stood. He piloted five different jet fighters during his service in Europe and Vietnam. He spent 20 years as an Air Force pilot and logged more than 5,000 hours in the air. In retirement, he was the coach of A&M’s National Champion Pistol team.
Dale Jackson, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed Feb. 12, 2009) Soon after Dale Jackson entered the Army at Age 18, he was shipped off to Omaha, Nebraska for Ordnance Repair School, learning how to fix military equipment and vehicles. Just 15 months after he entered the service, on 6 June 1944, he would find himself at another Omaha -- Omaha Beach, part of the 3rd Wave at Normandy on D-Day. He recalls that historical event with amazing clarity because he was there, because he was wounded there, because he served there. He says he was there when General Eisenhower addressed the paratroopers the day before the invasion and indeed identifies himself in one of the War’s most famous photographs.
Dan Chadbourne, U.S. Marines, World War II (Interviewed Oct. 23, 2008) Dan Chadbourne flew the PBJB-25 Mitchell in World War II. His first wish was to be a tail gunner on a SBT-Dauntless. Instead he was a radio gunner on the B-25. He flew 38 Missions in the Pacific Theater in 1945. His 443rd Marine bombing squadron would strafe and bomb and serve as an escort for the fighters of the 1st Marine Wing in Okinawa -- Operation Iceberg.
David Marion, U. S. Army, Vietnam (A&M Class of '65) (Interviewed Aug. 10, 2005) David Marion was a military advisor serving in the jungles of Vietnam during the hottest time of that war in 1968 and 1969. He says his most memorable service was that along side maybe swift boats. He has quite a story to tell.
David West, U.S. Navy, Vietnam (Interviewed Nov. 19, 2009) David West joined the Navy and started out chasing hurricanes from 1956 to 1958. Later he says as a Navy Seal he was wounded in Vietnam but says that chasing hurricanes was some of the scariest stuff he did in the service. He was sent to Vietnam in February 1969 Landing in Saigon. Wounded in Vietnam before training in Vietnam he was at Malta training with the British Navy. David West lived in Navasota before his death.
Dick Davison, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed June 21, 2006) Dick Davison does not dwell on the ribbons and medals that passed him by for his service in World War II. As you will discover PFC Davison was a soldier not looking for recognition; he was a fighter, simply looking to defeat the German enemy. A ground soldier – and as he admits, an independent thinker who didn't always go along with conventional ways. What he saw along the way is and incredible story that he was proud to tell.
Dick Davison, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed June 21, 2006) Dick Davison does not dwell on the ribbons and medals that passed him by for his service in World War II. As you will discover PFC Davison was a soldier not looking for recognition; he was a fighter, simply looking to defeat the German enemy. A ground soldier – and as he admits, an independent thinker who didn't always go along with conventional ways. What he saw along the way is and incredible story that he was proud to tell.
Dick Deiterich, U.S. Army, WW II (Interviewed March 10, 2011) The path that Dick Deiterich took from Bloomsburg Pennsylvania to the Brazos Valley included an 18-month hitch in the Army that started soon after Japan surrendered but before President Truman officially declared the end of hostilities in December 1946. So he served stateside, sent from base to base and eventually to Fort Knox, Kentucky to help forward mail to returning servicemen and those heading back overseas for post-war duty. His is one of those stories of service that he might not call remarkable but we call essential as it was for anyone who gave up the important time of their youth to serve their country.
Don Nicholas, Air Force, Korea/Vietnam (A&M Class of '48) (Interviewed April 26, 2007) Don Nicholas was a Texas A&M quarterback from 1947 to 1949, not a star player, but he certainly made his mark in service for his country in Korea and Vietnam. During the Korean War he flew 20 B-29 missions from his base in Okinawa and later he served three tours in Vietnam where he flew 69 B-52 missions. After he retired he and an Air Force buddy spent 15 years as one of the top senior tennis doubles teams in Texas.
Dr. Douglass Starr, U.S. Navy, WW II (Interviewed April 17, 2008) Dr. Douglass Starr’s World War II service all happened before he turned 20 years old. But he packed a lot into those 3 1/2 years. A navy sonarman who serve with honor aboard the proud destroyer USS Nicholas DD-449. He was a Texas A&M journalism professor until the age of 83. Douglass Starr has many stories to tell of not only his World War II service but in Korea aboard the Destroyer USS Walke -- And perhaps the most fascinating was his eyewitness to history. On 2 September 1945 in Tokyo Bay, the signing of the surrender by the Empire of Japan aboard the USS Missouri. You see the Nicholas was moored right alongside Big Mo on that historic day.
Dr. Douglass Starr, U.S. Navy, WW II (Interviewed April 17, 2008) Dr. Douglass Starr’s World War II service all happened before he turned 20 years old. But he packed a lot into those 3 1/2 years. A navy sonarman who serve with honor aboard the proud destroyer USS Nicholas DD-449. He was a Texas A&M journalism professor until the age of 83. Douglass Starr has many stories to tell of not only his World War II service but in Korea aboard the Destroyer USS Walke -- And perhaps the most fascinating was his eyewitness to history. On 2 September 1945 in Tokyo Bay, the signing of the surrender by the Empire of Japan aboard the USS Missouri. You see the Nicholas was moored right alongside Big Mo on that historic day.
Duke Hobbs, Army/Air Force, World War II (A&M Class of '47) (Interviewed June 5, 2008) Duke Hobbs' career in service includes his service with the 79th Infantry in Europe during World War II and later in the Air Force working reconnaissance in Europe during the Cold War. Texas A&M class of 1947. He's a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge who recalls the unbearable cold of that winter of 1945. He was a member of a traveling variety show postwar the show was called "You've Had It Joe".
Durwood Lewis, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam (A&M Class of ‘60) (Interviewed Jan. 24, 2007) Maj. Durwood Lewis was a F-4 back-seater who saw a great deal in his 12-month assignment in Vietnam. It was one year out of more than 20 years of service in the U.S. Air Force.
Edward and Yolanda Kozlowski, U.S. Air Force/Army, WW II (Interviewed together Oct. 12, 2005) By the end of World War II Capt. Edward Kozlowski had flown 88 missions over the combat territory of the European Theater. His life's path took him from his boyhood farm in Wisconsin, through his military service as a pathfinder navigator, to Houston and NASA. That's where he designed and installed the heat shields used on the Apollo missions. But perhaps his most rewarding mission was that to win the heart of Yolanda Frisch, an Army nurse in World War II. That too was no easy challenge. Yolanda Frisch of the 100th Evacuation Hospital, always set up near the front lines; following Patton's Army through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. She was a triage and a surgical nurse. Both former Texas A&M employees both have passed away now but their story is indeed a testament to the bravery and determination of all those men and women who served for freedom.
Ed Eyre, U.S. Marines, WW II (Interviewed Nov. 9, 2005) December 19, 1941 and Ed Eyre was among the first to volunteer for service following the attack on Pearl Harbor. It took a while and a little maneuvering to get where he wanted to be -- as a Marine. He wanted to fight for his country in the Pacific and eventually he found himself in the middle of it as a member of the 5th Marine Division, 28th Regimental Weapons Company. Charging the sands on D-Day at Iwo Jima, February 19, 1945. He saw that US flag flying atop Mount Suribachi -- The flag etched in American pride by the famous photograph of the Marines who mounted it there. He fought day and night and he would fight for 10 days, until shrapnel from a mortar round eventually ended his combat service. Ed Eyre was a winner of the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart -- live out his life in rural Brazos county.