Paul Stephens: Interview
- Date
- Main contributor
Stephens, Paul
- Summary
Paul Stephens, Army Air Corps, WW II (Interviewed Sept. 20, 2006) Colonel Paul Stephens will never forget the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, the dawn of D-Day. Hours before sunrise and the beach invasion at Normandy, came the paratrooper drop behind the beaches between them the Americans and the British flew someone 1,000 transport planes and one of those was a C- 47 piloted by Colonel Stephens. Paul Stephen served his country as a flyer and for more than three years of his long service, witnessed the war in Europe from his cock pit. His is a fascinating story. Paul W. Stephens is A&M class of 1938.
- Contributors
KAMU-TV (Television station : College Station, Tex.); Turbiville, Tom
- Genres
MovingImage; interview; Oral histories
- Subjects
Stephens, Paul; Veterans--United States--Interviews; United States. Army. Air Corps; United States. Army. Air Corps; World War, 1939-1945
- Collection
Veterans of the Valley
- Unit
- Language
- Terms of Use
In copyright-educational use permitted; For more information, see http://rightsstatementsorg/vocab/InC-EDU/10/
- Notes
Items in this collection were donated to Cushing Memorial Library and Archives in 2017 by Tom Turbiville
Creation/Production Credits
From "Veterans of the Valley," a television series created by host Tom Turbiville and produced at KAMU-TV’s studio on the Texas A&M University, College Station campus
Local Note
reformatted digital
- Other Identifier
Catalog Key: 03-VOTV-Stephens_Paul-video
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.