Flying the Apollo Missions, part 1
- Date
1989 (Creation date: 1989)
- Main contributor
Lunney, Glynn S.
- Summary
The third in a lecture series marking the 20th Anniversary of the Apollo Missions. The panel features Glynn Lunney, Cliff Charlesworth, Gerald Griffin, and Steve Bales; it is moderated by Joe Allen. The lecutre is focused on mission control and planning for mission operations during the Apollo Missions.
- Contributors
Charlesworth, Cliff; Griffin, Gerald D., 1934-; Bales, Steve, 1942-
- Publisher
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Genres
MovingImage; Panel discussions; Lectures
- Subjects
Project Apollo (U.S.)--Anniversaries, etc.; Space flight to the moon--History
- Time period
Twentieth century
- Location
United States
- Collection
Hernán Contreras & Gerald Griffin Collection of NASA A/V Recordings
- Unit
- Language
- Terms of Use
No copyright - United States; for more information, see:
- Physical Description
From 1 Scotch T-120 VHS tape: color; duration: 02:01:39
- Notes
Items were digitized from the Gerald Griffin Collection of NASA Video and Audio Recordings in Cushing Memorial Library at Texas A&M University
Local Note
The original playback device was a Sony SLV-N900 Videocassette Recorder; Date digitized: 2021-08-17
reformatted digital
- Other Identifier
Catalog Key: gerald-griffin_002
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.