- Date
- Summary
Video showing unloading and deactivation of a chilled water system. Slides read "Procedure 2," "Unloading of the chilled conveyor 1002," and "Deactivation of the chilled conveyor 1002."
- Publisher
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Genre
- Subjects
Skylab Program; Space sciences; Loading and unloading; Conveying machinery
- Collection
Hernán Contreras & Gerald Griffin Collection of NASA A/V Recordings
- Unit
- Terms of Use
No copyright - United States; for more information, see:
- Physical Description
1 film reel: silent, color, 16 mm; duration: 00:10:04
- Notes
This item was digitized from the Hernan Contreras Collection in Cushing Memorial Library at Texas A&M University.
Local Note
Notes on top labels: SL4F00182; Skylab-4; Camera On Board; Mag CI-78; Film Type 7389; Footage 420; Remarks Color Print; SL4 MD80 EVA Prep EV1-SPT, EV2-CDR. Notes on side label: CI78.
The source is a 16 mm double perforated film in a metal can without soundtrack. The playback device was an ELMO TRV-16H telecine digitizer; Date digitized: 2021/09/21
reformatted digital
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.