David Hayes-Bautista: Chicano Movement and Mestizaje Ideology Oral History
- Date
2021 (Creation date: 2019-09-19)
- Main contributors
Hayes-Bautista, David; Alvarez, Rocio Mercedes
- Summary
Dr. David Hayes-Bautista was an early participant of the Chicano Movement, Third World Liberation Front, and advocate of Chicano/a health. The purpose of this interview was to better understand mestizaje ideology and its popularity during the height of the Chicano Movement. Hayes-Bautista discusses his participation within the Chicano Movement and his understanding of the concept of mestizaje.
- Contributor
Texas A & M University. Department of Philosophy
- Publisher
Texas A & M University
- Genres
sound; interview; Oral histories
- Subjects
Hayes-Bautista, David; Mestizaje; Chicano movement; Chicano health; Chicana health; Mexican American civil rights; Chicanismo; Mexican Americans--Health and hygiene
- Time periods
Nineteen sixties; Nineteen seventies; Twentieth century
- Locations
United States; Mexico; Texas; California
- Collection
Chicano Movement and Mestizaje Ideology Oral History
- Unit
Graduate Student Research
- Languages
English; Spanish
- Terms of Use
In copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Physical Description
1 audio file
- Related Item
Click here to see related thesis
- Notes
born digital
Recorded as part of a dissertation, "Mestizaje: An Ideology in Flux?", submitted to Texas A&M University in the field of philosophy in 2021.
Creation/Production Credits
Interview conducted by Rocio Mercedes Alvarez.
Language Note
In English with some Spanish.
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.