Joe Hanover: Interview
- Date
- Main contributor
Hanover, Joe
- Summary
Gen. Joe Hanover, U.S. Army, WW II (A&M Class of ‘40) (Interviewed Nov. 20, 2008) Gen. Joe Hanover lived in the Brazos Valley most of his life. He spent the last 25 years of his service with the 420th Engineering Brigade on Carson Street in Bryan. He was already in uniform when Pearl Harbor was attacked in Dec. 1941. Immediately following he was assigned to duty in San Francisco, under the Golden Gate Bridge. He was a Civil Engineer with Coast Artillery. Then he headed up a combat engineering unit and eventually was sent to Europe in 1945. (As I type this, we mourn Gen. Hanover’s death yesterday, May 22, 2017, at the age of 99).
- Contributors
KAMU-TV (Television station : College Station, Tex.); Turbiville, Tom
- Genres
MovingImage; interview; Oral histories
- Subjects
Hanover, Joe; Veterans--United States--Interviews; United States. Army; United States. Army; World War, 1939-1945; Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas--Alumni and alumnae
- Collection
Veterans of the Valley
- Unit
- Language
- Terms of Use
In copyright-educational use permitted; For more information, see http://rightsstatementsorg/vocab/InC-EDU/10/
- Notes
Items in this collection were donated to Cushing Memorial Library and Archives in 2017 by Tom Turbiville
Creation/Production Credits
From "Veterans of the Valley," a television series created by host Tom Turbiville and produced at KAMU-TV’s studio on the Texas A&M University, College Station campus
Local Note
reformatted digital
- Other Identifier
Catalog Key: 03-VOTV-Hanover_Joe-video
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.